We report the case of a laparoscopic resection in a patient presenting with a colorectal liver metastasis in segment VII of the liver, with transthoracic trocar insertion. The patient is placed in a lateral decubitus position. Four ports are introduced. After exploration of the peritoneal cavity and ultrasound examination, the intervention is begun with the control of the hepatic pedicle. The right liver is mobilized. As the position of the scope is not ideal, an improved vision is searched for using simulation tools. The subcostal port allows for an optimal view. The 5mm port is switched to a 12mm port, allowing for the placement of the scope. A 5mm port is then placed transthoracically in order to start the hepatotomy. The hepatotomy is performed under a full pedicular clamping, which takes 20 minutes. Dissection is started 2cm around the lesion. The specimen is placed in a bag and extracted through a slightly enlarged 12mm port. After hemostatic control, the tape around the pedicle is removed. The cavity is extensively cleansed. The pneumoperitoneum is reduced and one can observe that there is no bleeding. A thoracic drain is positioned at the level of the 5mm port placed transthoracically. The diaphragmatic port opening site is closed.

Pancreasectomia totale robotica
Pancreasectomia totale robotica per doppia localizzazione di tumore al pancreas